A second physical meeting of the HEADSTART consortium, followed the recent one in Aachen. This time, it was VEDECOM partner who hosted the workshop in its premises in Versailles Satory, on April 17th 2019. This workshop was focused mostly on Work Package 1 ´Use cases and requirements´ and Work Package 2 ´Test, validation and certification methodologies and procedures´. All partners involved in these Work Packages – IKA, TNO, IDIADA, TME, SAFER and VEDECOM – were present.
In the first part of the workshop the HEADSTART partners focused on the identification of user group needs through interviews with stakeholders so as to collect input and define the user group’ needs based on real data. In this context, the partners defined together the interviews’ guidelines, while in parallel reviewed the questionnaires to be used. Among the interview topics that were highlighted were the use cases and scenarios, the safety assessment/safety cases, type approval e.t.c. Furthermore, was underlined that the project’s aim is to collect input from at least 30 individual stakeholders through the planned interviews as well as an online survey that will take place. Last but not least, the partners co-decided that the results that will arise, will be presented in a workshop, including partners and external experts too, to be held on the upcoming June.
Another aspect that concerned the partners was the data structure. More specifically, a brainstorming session took place among all present partners, dedicated to the data structure to be used on WP2. Finally, the partners discussed and reviewed the overall methodology to be deployed within the project.
Concluding, it was another fruitful and collaborative day among HEADSTART partners which strongly enhanced the project’s future activities and its output is expected to be very crucial for the project’s evolvement.