Institute of Communications and Computer Systems
Iroon Politechniou str.,
Polytechnic Campus – DECE
15773 Zografou,
Athens, Greece

About ICCS
The Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a non-profit Academic Research Body established in 1989 by the Ministry of Education in order to carry research and development activities in the fields of all diverse aspects of telecommunications, computer systems and techniques and their application in a variety of areas. The personnel of ICCS consists of a number of Research scientists and more than 500 Associate scientists (including PhD students). ICCS is associated with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and is being supervised by the Hellenic Ministry of Education.
ICCS has participated in several EC funded research projects and has been the Coordinating Partner or Dissemination Manager in more than 40 such projects. These include SCENT, SAFERTEC, RANGER, INPREP, SENSKIN (H2020), AUTONET, INTERACTIVE, TEAM, PPDR, INACHUS, RECONASS, ROBINSPECT, MEMSCON, WATERPIPE (FP7), and others. It focuses among others on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) including automated driving, sensors and information fusion, human machine interaction and communication technologies.
Main role in the project
ICCS is responsible of Communication and Dissemination. In particular, is responsible of the communication and dissemination strategy; the design and production of the project dissemination material, website and social accounts; the maintenance of the social accounts and website throughout the project; Coordination and boost the dissemination of project developments and findings via papers, publications, presentations, special sessions and workshops organisations; Coordination of the organisation of an intermediate project workshop and a final project event with live demonstration of the final results.
In addition, ICCS is contributing to the:
- Terminology and to the catalogue of existing initiatives with respect to testing and validation procedures;
- Provision of KET requirements, and associated technical constraints, with respect to V2X connectivity and Cyber-security;
- Definition and selection of the use cases covering various traffic scenarios;
- Definition of the methodology/procedure for CAD testing and validation, since ICCS is responsible for the evaluation activities in a series of CAD projects;
- Extension of current procedures to include ways of testing in an integrated manner cyber-security and V2X connectivity;
- Identification of criteria that will support the selection of the correct testing tool for a specific scenario and for the needs of a specific user group;
- Systematic collection of scenarios and parameters for validation of CAD technologies;
- Procedure pipeline definition and CAD evaluation with respect to V2X connectivity and cyber-security;
- Development of actual test tools linked with cybersecurity;
- Definition of KPIs that will be used to assess the performance of the KETs in the selected use cases;
- Definition of the test procedure in the selected use cases for V2X and cyber-security;
- Execution of the tests with respect to the developed validation tools for cybersecurity for the defined use cases;
- Assessment of test results related to cyber-security;
- Demonstration of applied test methodologies, procedures and tools linked with cyber-security for the defined use cases;
- Establishment of the experts’ network in different areas especially with respect to V2X connectivity and Cyber-security;
- Discussions in cybersecurity and V2X connectivity;
- Consultation and consensus building activities in cybersecurity and V2X topic also through participation at international discussions;
- Report on the status and activities in Greece (MS viewpoint) and support the uptake of results of HEASDSTART in Greece.